The last few thousand years of human spiritual evolution has primarily been based on a model of awakening consisting of various spiritual lineages each having a lineage leader with many disciples. The lineage is usually passed from one hierarchal head figure to another. In many cases this has been an effective evolutionary tactic that uses hierarchy and initiation to progress practitioners along the specific spiritual ascent of that lineages enlightenment matrix. Even the new age model describes a spiritual hierarchy in which disciples take up an ascended master as their primary teacher and evolve through a structured system of hierarchical evolution.
There is another model of awakening that human beings are ready for that when embraced and fully integrated at a collective level shall activate a quickening for our species. This is the model of spiritual awakening where individuals experience the unity and equality of their Soul to Source and cultivate the capacity to connect directly to Source as a whole and complete integrated Spiritual Being. Layers of codependency and unnecessary subservience to controlling forces are dissolved as the awakening sovereign soul discovers they can consistently access a Direct connection with Source. Its not that old methods and gems of wisdom received from teachers and lineages are disregarded for something higher, rather it is that a new model of awakening is embraced and integrated into what is currently serving one’s highest good.
There is a pure place where spiritual lineages meet and it is the Source Point of Unity within the center of the open heart. New psychic and spiritual faculties are beginning to awaken within the energetic heart and mind of individuals across the world. This ‘quickening’ is contributing to our collective capacity to embody spiritual wholeness and experience life through the omniscience of Unity Consciousness. Completely new spiritual technologies of awakening, healing, empowerment and evolution are offered to the sovereign souls that bravely remembers how to surrender into Direct connection to Source.
Soul Sovereignty is a state we as individuals attain through our own practice and cultivation of our direct connection to Source. It can happen with spiritual teachers, and it can happen in nature, and it can happen alone. Many of the indigo, rainbow, golden children who are incarnating at this time would benefit from the understanding they do not need the same hierarchical spiritual and religious systems of old times. They are incarnating with new operating systems that allow for a new potential that perhaps current spiritual teachers cannot fully comprehend. Even adults who do not resonate as indigos or starseeds would benefit from understanding that there is a continually increasing flow of vibrational currents onto our planet that is causing a collective quickening. This allows everyone to be empowered into the ability to access and deepen the embodiment of Soul Sovereignty. Everyone can become a sovereign soul and activate the full potential of their 12-strand dna over time. The path of Soul Sovereignty does not necessarily mean cutting off all ties to the collectives we have been part of, rather it refers to the deepening process of transcending the needs, obligations, and limitations that come between an individual and the Source of all that is. It requires a re-evaluation and often a re-constitution or dissolution of the various energetic chords and contracts between oneself and other individuals, institutions, religions, deities, and spiritual collectives. It is the process of discovering one’s own personal access to the space where Soul and Source are one, the place where all lineages share commonality, and becoming self sufficient in that Source connection.
Embodying soul sovereignty is relying on one’s own connection to Source to fuel themselves. It is a state of inner well-being and wholeness. Self-sourced wellbeing is another term to describe this state. Again, its not that a new model of awakening is emerging to completely make lineages obsolete. Rather this model is being embraced and integrated. It is possible to connect direct to Source, and still have spiritual teachers and guides. It is possible to be a sovereign soul and work with the various spiritual hierarchies, which themselves are reorganizing in each new era as well. When we connect directly to Source, surrender ourselves completely to the infinite brilliance of Life, then we can emerge individuated as a whole and unique Sovereign Being.
More and more people are recognizing that there are spiritual lineages and Teachers that are using outdated models of awakening that actually limit the full evolutionary potential of their students. It is the willingness to be flexible and adaptive during these times that allows us to continually get the most of the new frequencies and codes of wisdom arriving on the planet for the first time. It is helpful to look at unwillingness in self or others to re-examine and shift outdated models of awakening and embrace the latest spiritual technologies and methodologies coming to the planet at the time. In some cases, a Teacher or lineage holder is still stuck in unhealthy egoic patterns or the lineage holders in the spirit realms are unwilling to shift and embrace changes that would modify their system for the betterment of humanity in the evolving times. In some cases there is importance and honor in preserving the sacred ways of a lineage, and discernment must be used to truly recognize if the ways that are being protected are tried and true and still are benefiting humanity for this new cycle. In most circumstances, flexibility and adaptability are very necessary to keep fluid and evolving during these times. If we honestly looked deeply into many spiritual collectives including the new age movements, we might find that they are still ingrained with outdated systems or programs that do not allow the full synthesis of the latest model of awakening that humanity needs to actualize its evolutionary potential. This is another reason why systems of personal evolution are most supportive when they remain fluid and evolve with the times and the highest frequency that is coming to the earth in each phase of this epic evolutionary journey.
It’s important to note that some lineages, even those based in the hierarchical model of awakening have on some levels embraced this model of soul sovereignty that I am describing. Traditionally after the student goes through a series of initiations, gradually he or she no longer needs the physical teacher and connects directly to Source as well. The teacher in a way serves as training wheels for the psyche, mind, and soul of the practitioner. There is much benefit in this process and for many this is a prerequisite to the training required for evolutionary advancement, though it is not necessary with all individuals. Heart Alchemy is currently operating in a model that may resemble other methods or modalities, however the intention is for everyone to enter in knowing there is a true sense of equality between all of us humans to each other and to Source. The work done in Heart Alchemy seminars are for the purpose of supporting individuals to progress on their spiritual path towards the highest potential they can achieve. Although there is a framework to Heart Alchemy, there is a intention and hope that one day each individuals can discard what they have learned for one’s own natural continually flowing Sovereign Soul connection and unique way of Being. Staying flexible and adaptive is key. What worked for in one era, decade, or day may be outdated for the present moment. We must be available to the present, to be receptive to the latest and most cutting edge vibrations that are available to us at any given moment. The art of listening, opening, trusting, surrendering, receiving is key in these times. The path of martyrdom is also outdated. By taking care of ourselves first and establishing our soul sovereignty, we can then connect to one another and fortify the grid of love around this planet. Simply be being anchored in coherence and emanating love, we are dissolving the frequencies of disharmony and paving the path for an evolved Earth and harmonious humanity to actualize.
I am grateful for the dedication and support of the many teachers and lineages that have given me so many precious jewels of wisdom and knowledge to advance my path. I am even grateful to the teachers and lineages who from my perspective were hijacked and ultimately were stumbling blocks on my path, as they gave me the experiences I needed to become who I am today.
Let us be grateful that we are living in an era where the possibilities of spiritual advancement and evolution are far greater than we have ever known. We have new support from on high that has never had access to the 3d earth before. We are receiving new information from the cosmic and celestial realms that have never been available to us before. The deepening willingness to open, listen, surrender, receive, and trust in the guidance coming from Source is required for us to reap the full benefits of what is available to us. The initial phase of humanities liberation starts with the gradual integration of this model of awakening where sovereign souls connect direct to Source and strengthen the Unity grid for the acceleration of our species evolution.
It will likely take a large number of people on the planet who are committed to being pillars of love in order to stabilize the earth in a higher dimensional reality, and thus its important to assist others in their own Becoming. My prayer is to provide offerings that inspire in you the Awakened Heart. Gradually, despite what lineage one is from, enough humans will actualize the ability to listen to the collective mission we are all a part of, and work in unison together to redesign a harmonious and coherent world.