Heart Alchemy Session Framework
This Heart Alchemy meditation/personal session practice can help dissolve energetic blocks in the human energy fields and increase the inflow and outflow of high vibrations throughout our bodies and energy centers. It requires the practitioner to be familiar with visualization and have a basic ability to guide oneself through a meditative journey.
People get most out of this practice after they receive the Heart Alchemy transmissions in person at my workshops and events, however the information shared below can still help you get started with a personal practice or enhance your current practice.
Here are the 5 steps followed by a more in depth description of each one:
- Grounding
- Setting the Space
- Unlocking the Heart
- Inner Alchemy
- Sealing the practice
Step 1 – Grounding
It is important to ground before any type of meditation, healing, or spiritual work.
- Sit up with spine straight with feet on the ground (optional) and your palms facing up
- Relax and begin to breathe into your heart center
- Call of your personal energy into your body if you feel scattered
- Now ground your energy down through your feet into the core of earth. You can visualize light traveling down through each foot and meeting down deep into the central core of the earth.
- Visualize the energy from the core of the earth travel back up through your feet and into your heart.
- Now visualize your energy travel up beyond the Galaxy all the way up to the Source Field.
- Bring this energy back down into your heart. Visualize a pillar of light flowing from Source through the body into the core of the earth. The heart being the bridge between the earth and the Source Field. Your body is grounded, both connected to the earth and the Source Field.
Step 2 – Setting the Space
Before any type of meditation, healing, or spiritual work it is beneficial to set the space to get the most out of the experience.
- Visualize a platform of light below you/the room you are in.
- Visualize a temple of light surrounding you/the room you are in. (If you prefer you can visualize a pyramid or merkabah field around you)
- If you have created a temple of light around the room you are in, visualize a pillar of light going down from the Source Field through the middle of the temple down to the core of the earth. The pillar is anchoring the space. Now either visualize that you are in the middle of the temple and the pillar of light is going through your body, or that a second pillar of light descends from Source through your body into the core of the earth.
- Make your Invocation. This is to call on any particular support that you wish to call upon. For example, “I call forth into this temple Mother Father G-d/Source, my personal healing team, and any other supportive beings of light that are here to support my highest good.”
- Give permission for the support you have invoked to help you. For example, “I give permission for Source, my higher self, my personal healing team to work on me on all levels for my highest and best.”
- Give permission for yourself to release and resolve all that you are here to release. “I give myself permission on all levels to completely release and resolve what is for my highest and best to release and resolve today.”
- Give permission for yourself to receive all that you are here to receive. “I give myself permission to receive all that would benefit my highest and best to receive today.”
- Ask any interferences or distortions to be released. “I ask that all interferences and distortions as well as anything else that does not serve my highest and best to be removed from this temple now.”
At this point you are ready to begin your meditation and healing work. These first two steps can be done before any type of work, from a massage to a healing session or a meeting. It is tremendously beneficial to ground and set the space before any conscious activity. This is one way of doing it, and you can adjust the sub-steps to your preference.
Step 3 – Unlocking the Heart
This process is used to ground the higher self into the body and unlock the gateway into the energetic heart. It is a very beneficial practice that connects the three tan tiens in the body and brings alignment on many levels.
- Visualize your higher self as a beautiful ball of light a foot or so above your crown chakra. Invite your higher self to fully ground into your body on all levels.
- Visualize this ball of light descend through your crown into the pineal gland in the middle of your brain.
- On each inhale, breath into your pineal gland on and see the wisdom of your pineal gland activate. On each exhale expand the light of your higher self outwards from your pineal gland horizontally. Do this a few times and visualize the awareness of your higher self expanding out to the edge of the Universe.
- Relax and surrender any thoughts or identifications occurring in your mind and merge with the awareness of your higher self. Experience the Omniscience of your cosmic awareness. You are aware of all that is happening in the multiverse simultaneously.
- When you feel ready, visualize the ball of light slowly descending down through your spinal column into the lower tan tien. The lower tan tien, also called the womb for women and hara for men is around 1.5 inches below the belly button in the middle of the belly. Bring higher self from above pineal gland down into lower tan tien.
- On each inhale, breath into lower tan tien and activate the wisdom of this area. On each exhale expand the light of your higher self outwards horizontally from your lower tan tien. Do this a few times and visualize the awareness of your higher self encompassing the entire Multiverse. If you have been truly breathing deep into your lower tan tien, these breaths should have aligned your spine even more and created a sense of deep grounding.
- When you feel ready, visualize the ball of light slowly rising up through you central column into your energetic heart.
- Feel the wisdom of your upper tan tien/pineal gland and your lower tan tien/womb/hara merge in your middle tan tien/heart.
- On each inhale, breath into your heart on and see your heart activating and blossoming open more and more. On each exhale expand the light of your higher self outwards from your heart 360 degrees out into the world. Feel your personal/emotional heart open for your cosmic heart to emerge. Do this a few times and visualize the light of your heart encompass the entire Multiverse.
- Now visualize your light returning to you and creating a toroidal field from the center of your heart out into the multiverse and back to you in a continuous perfect flow.
Enjoy this feeling and bask in the love and gratitude of your heart. Though there seem to be many steps, really there are only three main steps. Breath your higher self into your pineal gland, then your lower tan tien, and then up into your heart. That sequence seems to unlock the potential of the heart to open while facilitating the ground of the higher self into the body. If you are short on time, your can skip the next step and seal the practice.
Step 4 – Inner Alchemy
Now that you have grounded, set the space, connected your three tan tiens and unlocked the heart, you are ready to receive support from ‘on high’ to dissolve densities and receive higher vibrations. You will transform the lower frequencies in your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies into a higher frequency. You will upgrade your self on all levels. Sometimes this phase of a session will be focused on deep cleansing, and other sessions will be more focused on solely receiving higher vibrational dispensations. This phase is very open ended and flexible.
- Invite Source and your personal support/healing team to activate the inner alchemy process and work on you to clear whatever is ready to be cleared. Open your field to being fully receptive to the flow of higher vibrational energies. You can visualize a stream of lovelight flowing down from above your crown through your body, washing away what does serve you. Allow this light to adjust and upgrade your energy bodies.
- Pay attention to any physical pain or emotions that arise. Embrace whatever comes to the surface. Be willing to fully face and ‘feel into completion’ whatever comes up. That means both being available to feel fully and let go fully of any emotion or memory that comes up. If you feel like crying, then allow that to happen. If you are guided to put your hands on a specific part of your body, follow that inner guidance. You may feel yourself clearing a specific chakra, organ, or body part. You are allowing yourself to be cleansed by your team and co-facilitating the process by being available and present. This is also a time in which you can do practice other healing modalities in conjunction with being receptive to the Heart Alchemy healing currents.
- There are times every once in awhile in which you will receive guidance to lie down and completely let go. Sometimes the most impactful healings take place when you are asleep, thus its up to you to deeply listen to what would serve you best.
- If you feel nothing is coming up to be cleared, then ask to receive an energetic upgrade and dispensation of light. Practice breathing into your heart and simply receiving energy from Source and the higher dimensions. Feel your heart overflowing with divine love and filling your body up to overflowing. Extend this energy into all of your energetic bodies.
- Inner Alchemy is an art form, thus be open to deeply listen to being guided each step of the way and at the same time be creative in guiding yourself through the highest sequence for activating your most optimal session. The more you do it, the more it will be effortless in being attuned to what is required for each session.
Step 5 – Sealing the practice
You will know when it’s time to complete the practice, and this can be one of the most important and sometimes potent parts of the Heart Alchemy personal session.
- When you feel ready, raise your hands a couple/few inches above your head with you palms flat facing up.
- Feel your heart opening, your throat chakra, your third eye, your crown chakra, and the chakras on the palms of your hands open.
- Begin to send loving energy, surrender, gratitude and humility from your heart up through your crown to Source/Creator.
- Allow this love to be returned to you. Witness divine energy descend down into the palms of your hands and through your crown into your body. Witness that divine energy gradually filling up your body from the crown down.
- When it feels right, very slowly allow your hands to come down from above your head. Feel as if the weight of the inflowing divine energy is gradually and gracefully taking your hands down to your lap.
- As your hands slowly come down from above your head, keep visualizing the divine energy sealing the high frequency in your body. It may feel as if you are anchoring a higher dimensional field into your aura. When you rest your hands on your lap, feel the energy flow down through your body and ground into the core of the earth. You may also be guided to place your hands on a specific place of your body. Sometimes I am guided to lean forward and place my hands on my feet for a couple of moments to truly ground myself into the core of the earth.
- Keep grounding the divine energy down through the feet into the core of the earth until you feel it is complete. Breath back into your heart. Bask in the pleasant feelings, smile, and when you feel ready open your eyes.
After a Heart Alchemy Personal Session
After a Heart Alchemy personal session, there is such a clear connection to universal intelligence, that it is recommended to do something creative such as writing, drawing, dancing, music or whatever it your deepest passion. Intend to keep the stream of divine energy going into whatever you are doing. If you are feeling ungrounded, it is recommend to do a Qi Gung practice barefoot on the earth. Another idea is to lie down on the grass and open the back of your heart chakra to connect to the earth.
- Here is an example of a writing practice that you can do after a Heart Alchemy Session:
- After opening your eyes, keep your awareness on your connection to the higher realms and begin to write in your journal from the perspective of your Higher Self. Write down any divine messages that are streaming forth through you. These could be messages straight from Source, your healing Team, or that your Higher Self has for yourself.
- You may also ask any questions you have, and listen from a meditative state to allow your Higher Self to answer those questions through your writing medium. You may have to listen to and write each word one at a time, trusting the next word will come in gradual flow. You will get better and better at doing this over time.
- You can also simply Allow yourself to write anything that wants to come through, allowing it to come from a high frequency place. Discern when your mind starts to take over and you loose connection to the divine writing and return to feel that Higher Self connection.
- When you are finished you will know it. Sometimes your inner guidance won’t allow you to finish until all messages that you are meant to receive are received.