Do Not Read This Unless You Are Ready To Experience And Embody An Exponentially Greater Potential
I’m serious.
I don’t mess around when it comes to spiritual embodiment, and I’m only looking to work with people who are deeply called to actualizing their highest potential.
If you are not ready to step up and start to embody the ultimate expression of who you are, then this page will cause nothing but internal conflict and distress for you.
Because one of the biggest things I see in the executives, leaders and influencers in the world today is a willingness to compromise their integrity for a variety of reasons including power and wealth. True alignment to have a healthy relationship with your ideal partner and thrive in your soul aligned business requires a level of inner devotion and integrity that is rare in modern culture.
I work with individuals who are ready to commit fully to cultivating this inner alignment through devotion and integrity to their own Higher Self.
You probably know there is greater love, power, and wisdom within you that is ready and wanting to emerge to transform the way you live, love and lead.
Most people would rather stay where they are, and keep what they have, instead of rising up and claiming what’s available to them.
And of course, I know this feeling of clinging and attachment deeply… because I too have gone through it again and again.
We Need To Make Some Radical Decisions
Life is a constant series of decisions. For me, the choice has always been between shriveling up and clinging to my ego-stories ( which pushes away what I truly want)… or surrendering, and embracing the true devotion, humility and expansion that’s possible.
As you may have read on my story page, it took an earthquake almost killing me in order to shake me awake enough to experience the bliss of complete surrender.
Hopefully, you have the wisdom and insight to not need a near-death experience in order to embrace your purpose and the liberated lifestyle your soul craves.
So if you are ready to take the leap, then read on.
Just be warned, once you’ve tasted what I’m talking about here… there is no going back. Only onwards and upwards.
How To Create Heaven On Earth
All the personal development techniques, tools and strategies are useful, however you still can sense there is much more available for you.
And that sense will always be there, like a gnawing in your stomach, until you make a decision for what you truly want.
And I want to emphasize, I am not here for people who do not want to change.
You Have To Want It
You have to crave it.
You have to be committed to it.
You have to go for it.
I keep re-emphasizing this because I’ve worked with several executives in the past, and it was a real challenge.
They all started out excited and optimistic, but then after 1 or 2 months, their ego would not give up control. They resisted the transformation again and again and I felt my time and wisdom wasn’t being effectively utilized.
Honestly, it hurt.
I felt discouraged, disappointed and disillusioned… and for a short period of time I lost some faith and hope in humanity.
And, once again, I had a choice… I could cling to my ego story and hide from my calling, or I could surrender, and find a way to create a program to get around these ego walls and attachments.
Believe me, for a time I wanted to shrink up and only work with the youth, who were still pure-hearted enough to make shifts without resistance.
So I pushed away some lucrative opportunities before it clicked for me.
And now, I am declaring from a place of sovereignty, I will only work with those who are courageous enough to going through the evolutionary process and reaping all the juicy rewards available.
Is that you?
Funnily enough, just making that decision is taking the first step towards creating heaven on earth.
So Why Trust Me?
If you’ve read my story, then you know a lot of the work I’ve done in order to be able to show up and serve you at a high level.
What I didn’t mention there is why I am uniquely qualified to help you optimize your business, your life and attract the love and success your soul deeply desires.
I got my bachelors in communication, and then decided to get an MBA.
But I dropped out before I even started. Realizing I had a gift for helping visionaries crystalize their visions into workable business plans.
Practically overnight I started traveling the world and working with spiritual leaders.
I worked all around the world, and traded my business skills in exchange for spiritual healing training.
This gave me a very unique perspective and insight into the crossovers of both worlds.
(Because the spiritual world can sometimes seem ungrounded to many business people, and it’s hard to believe the unseen work actually will make a difference when it’s not on a spreadsheet.)
And so I did it.
I was brought into multiple organizations, to harmonize executive boards, upgrade culture, keep CEO’s thriving, create unique new content and offer new levels of effectiveness for every arena of life.
It Works If You Work
That’s all I can say.
I know I’m hammering this point home over and over again, and that’s because it’s the #1 qualifier for who I want to invest my time and energy into serving.
First, we will go in and delete any negative belief structures.
We will uproot and transform any personal issues, glass ceilings, lack of worth, heartache, depression or stuck feelings, to support you in reaching new heights of purpose, influence, income and inner fulfillment.
This work is beyond executive coaching, as we integrate the best quantum healing techniques that will create deep healing and liberation on a personal and ancestral level. Meaning, you will experience freedom from any inherited tendencies, blocks, heaviness and even curses from your personal experience as well as what you have taken on from your ancestors.
In my experience with hundreds of clients, from all walks of life, all financial backgrounds, and all levels of business, I’ve seen this process create many “miraculous” results.
If we decide to work together, here are some of the results you can expect
- You will experience a greater freedom of expression
- Finally deepen your soul embodiment
- Your business may start growing rapidly in unexpected ways
- Find and experience true fulfillment
- Many clients have manifested their true Divine Partners
- Enjoy the ability to speak with authenticity and true power in any setting
- Discover how to swiftly transform wounds into gifts
- Develop an unshakeable ability to maintain your center despite what is happening around you.
- Integrate enhanced leadership abilities to lead from the wisdom of your Soul without resistance
- Start attracting a higher caliber of resonant people in your life from business partners, allies and romantic partners.
- Begin aligning more with your purpose.
- Find more joy, freedom and zest for life in a congruent and sustainable way.
It’s ALL Available To You.
Many teachers make many promises, and I know you only want to work with someone like me who has actually done the work, and studied the systems in-depth. So you can be sure you will get the shifts you are looking for.
And now I want to invite you to make a decision.
You’ve seen and felt what I bring to the table. I hope you’ve realized by now I’m the real deal.
So now is the time to feel deep down inside yourself and ask that inner voice if this is a yes, or a no.
Ask your deepest self if you are ready to make these shifts.
I can’t make the decision for you, I can only sincerely offer you my wisdom and insight and if you are willing to meet me with humility, honor and ferocious willingness to evolve, then now is the time to apply to work with me.
Click the button below, and take 10 minutes now to fill out this application
Please put your best foot forward as I will be extremely discerning in who I choose to have a conversation with.
It’s time to make your decision, click below if you feel it’s a yes.
What others are saying
“Lucas is an expert at interpersonal transformation and peacemaking. He came to consult our organization at a crucial time of growth. My business partner and I were going through heavy power and equity negotiations at the time, and Lucas helped us reach an agreement that was a win win for all stakeholders involved. Lucas was able to see what was happening below the surface ego battles of our management team and asked questions that led to mutual consent. Lucas knows how to get people unified in order to reach a deeper level of respect and understanding.”
Patrick Kronfli
Cofounder of UNIFY, Director at Medmob
“My sessions with Lucas have been profoundly life changing. As a healer and coach myself, I can say with confidence that Lucas is a master. He has mastered a prolific connection to his source within, which he generously radiates in his sessions to enhance the power and potency of the clearings and transmissions. Every time I have worked with Lucas, I am overwhelmed with gratitude and joy for the positive transformations that occur in the following days and weeks after each session. Lucas truly makes the world a better place by sharing his gifts and extremely high level skills.”
Dr. Lindsay Briner
Research Scientist at Transformative Technology Lab
“Working with Lucas was absolutely transformational. His ability to put you into a theta state and to work on all your physical and energy bodies for integrated healing is masterful. This is not taken lightly coming from me; very few people have had the ability to catalyze healing for me in my multi-dimensional state, and he can. Highly recommend you take advantage of the opportunity to work with him.”
Raamayan Ananda
CEO Ayana Technologies, Founder of VEME